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Adult Treatment

Adult Treatment

Adult Treatment

Fuller Hospital offers several treatment programs for adults facing a number of difficulties. Our inpatient services focus on crisis stabilization using a multidisciplinary team treatment approach. This approach uses group therapy, skill-building and recreation and relaxation activities to treat patients for psychiatric, substance abuse or co-occurring disorders.

Less restrictive than inpatient treatment is our Adult Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and Women’s Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). This voluntary program is held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays. Lastly, we also offer specialized treatment for adults with intellectual disabilities who are also dealing with psychiatric, substance abuse or co-occurring disorders.

To make a referral to Fuller Hospital, please call 508-761-8500 or 833-3FULLER, or visit our Make A Referral page.